Which Solar Water Heater Is More Efficient? ETC or FPC - Sunstellar (2025)

A solar heater or solar water heater is a device used for residential or commercial purposes. The device harnesses energy from the sunlight to heat water for multiple applications. Among the various uses, the solar water heater is used for heating water domestically, swimming pool heating, agricultural and industrial among other common purposes for effectively heating the water. Among the popular solar heater variants, ETC solar water heater, FPC and tube-type solar heating devices are prevalent in the market. Before moving ahead, let us touch upon the common uses of solar water heater for various applications.

Industrial purposes: Whether it is the processing of food, chemicals or textiles, water heating needs to be uninterrupted as well as efficient. Therefore, solar water heating devices are used by various industries to attain the best and consistent results.

Domestic water heating: During the winter season, heating water for bathing, washing clothes or for other applications are some of the activities that need to be frequently addressed. Hence, the FPC solar water heater is often used for domestic applications including cooking and cleaning. This type of solar water heating appliance is more practical in the absence of grid or electricity in the area.

Industrial applications: The water heating purposes in food, chemical or textile processing cannot be delayed in order to achieve consistent as well as improved results. From minor water heating applications to addressing the major requirements to heat water, industrial processes need the best solar water heater.

Agricultural processes: Providing heated water to animal husbandry, executing crop drying and greenhouse irrigation are some of the agricultural processes that utilize ETC solar water heater.

Swimming pool heating: In order to make the swimming session comfortable during winter or cool weather, solar water heater plays a vital role. The swimming pools are heated with the help of appropriate solar water heating devices.

Space heating: When it comes to keeping indoor domestic or commercial spaces warm, solar water heaters are used to circulate hot water by the optimal use of radiators. Besides, underfloor heating systems are also used for space heating whether it is at home or office.

Comparison between FPC and ETC solar water heater

It is apparent that all types of solar water heating appliances have an effective role in domestic, commercial as well as other industrial processes. However, choosing the best heating appliance that harnesses energy from sunlight is crucial to attaining the desired results. Let us understand the three types of solar water heaters, namely, FPC, ETC and tube type solar water heater.

FPC Solar Water Heater

With the help of flat plate collectors, the FPC solar water heating devices absorb solar radiation. The mechanism is properly carried out by utilizing the outer metallic box which has been covered on the glass sheet positioned on its top. Within the FPC solar water heater, the partially coated blackened metallic absorber sheets play a vital role in heating water. This device for solar water heating is known for promoting energy-efficient, durable and practical water heating solution for domestic as well as commercial purposes.

The solar flat plate collector of this water heating appliance is cost-effective and comparatively easier to install. With its low-cost maintenance, simple design and energy-efficient mechanism, this solar water heating device is worth an investment. On a note of utility, the FPC solar water heating appliance delivers a sufficient quantity of heated water at the desired temperature.

ETC Solar Water Heater

The ETC or Evacuated Tube Collector solar water heater uses renewable energy from the Sun to heat water with the help of a solar thermal collector. This solar water heating appliance can be installed on a terrace or an open space that receives sufficient sunlight to heat water. Most of the time, this solar water heater is used for residential water heating applications. The minimal heat loss, high-efficiency solar energy absorption and cost-effective water heating device are some of the salient features worth a reflection. On the other hand, hard water can also be heated without any hassle by using ETC solar water heater. This heating appliance uses airless technology and has high-density PUF insulation to maintain the temperature of water according to the specific requirements.

Apart from the above information about the two important types of solar water heating appliances, it is practical to mention that product specifications, utility and long-term benefits should be evaluated prior to purchase. Furthermore, the tube-type solar water heater is becoming a common asset for residential and commercial applications due to its eco-friendly as well as energy-efficient features.

If you are still not sure which of the two, FPC or ETC solar water heating system will be suitable for you, then, connect with Sun Stellar. Our experts will assess and understand you water heating requirements and accordingly suggest the ideal option.

Which Solar Water Heater Is More Efficient? ETC or FPC - Sunstellar (2025)
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